Thursday, March 16, 2006

Lyon - Day 3 (I don't know what day of the week it is and....

I think that is great.)

The objective today was to leave Lyon and go to Nice or The French Rivera. Those plans were thwarted by a massive hangover and missing the alarm.

Last night we found ourselves cooking an excellent meal at the Hostel, then heading to a Pub in preparation for St. Patrick's Day. We were directed by a local to the young hot spot in Lyon. We were warned that we would be venturing down the roughest street in Lyon, which turned out to be the equvalent to St. Mark's Place at 8pm on a Wednesday. We arrived at the door to find two huge security guards give the two Irishmen and the New Yorker a once over and decided that we were worthy enough to walk in. The sound of bad 80's music and Beyoncè pumped through the speakers. I looked over the crowd - saw the same crowd that I have seen 100 times over in NYC but now I was in another country - no one knew or cared who we were or that we didn't spoke the language, except for the Austrailian and Canadian girls we found in the corner of the bar. Though this was the same scene, I was more confident that anything could happen.



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