Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Chicago - Day 3

Fhew! Though I've spent nearly a quarter of my time thus far in the Windy City on the computer, this is the first chance I've had to collect my thoughts. If only my thoughts were deep.
The two main goals while here are to find an actress and an apartment. I'm happy to report that I've succeeded in the latter. I spent most of the day wandering around the city looking at places which were completely inappropriate for our needs. That is until I met Bobby Baird. He's the managing editor of a literary magazine and is heading to Italy for three months. His place is absolutely perfect. Affordable, spacious, and only two blocks from the Chopin Theatre. I told him immediately that we wanted it and he was game. Yippee!!! As for the actresses, we'll have to wait and see.

In order to take advantage of my travel time (and so Richard won't have all the substantial cultural stories) I went to the Contemporary Museum of Art for the Warhol and Beckett exhibits. I was really impressed by the work of American artist, Jenny Holzer. She uses 'truisms' in her pieces. Some of the ones I really enjoyed were:

Dying for love is beautiful but stupid.
Confusing yourself is a way to stay honest.
Freedom is a luxury, not a necessity.
Ideals are replaced by conventional goals at a certain age.

I also bought a discounted ticket to see Dame Edna: Back with a Vengeance at the Palace Theater. I planned on seeing a Mamet play, but decided instead to appease my Aussie roommate, Kasey. I've only seen Edna on TV, and let me tell you, she is 1000% better live. I laughed for two and a half hours straight - to the point that I think people started getting annoyed. If you've ever got the chance to see his/her show, I highly recommend it. It brings the art of improv to a whole new level, possum.



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