Wednesday, March 08, 2006

London - Day 2

So yesterday, I was a little bummed, my back hurt from carrying that huge backpack, and I hadn't spoken to anyone really. I think it's just jet lag. Sooooo today I was determined to really see London. I ran my finger across the bus map and it landed on St. Paul's Cathedral. It took an hour to actually find the bus that goes there but as soon as I got on the triple bus, I got excited. "This is cool. I am totally a tourist." As soon as a walked up the cathedral steps, I was stopped by a woman asking for 9 lbs. Um... "Isn't this a church," I said to myself but paid the woman anyway. The next step into the church, I felt overcome with emotion. The walls, the ceiling...Everything was absolutely breath taking. Going down into the crypt, I was overwhelmed by the ghosts of very, very, very, very old white men including Churchill. It gave me chills. Then I climbed the thousands of stairs to the gallery to overlook all of London (in the pouring rain, in case I forgot to mention) - again breath-taking. I have never before felt so small. This building was built in 675 AD, and I was on top of it - next to some German high school student who keeps sneezing. On my way out, I paused again to marvel at its beauty, said a prayer for the homies, and was out.

Next, on to see Resurrection Blues by Authur Miller starring Neve Campbell and Mathew Modine at the Old Vic. This should be interesting...

I think I may stay in London another day. - Pictures to come shortly.



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