Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Future of Private Sector Giving

So we're in the midst of a fundraising push, and I came across the final report on the proceedings of Americans for the Arts' 2006 National Arts Policy Roundtable. Here are a few choice 'findings' that may dampen your mood.

"Nonprofit arts organizations derive 43% of their revenue from private contributions (individuals, foundations and corporations)… Research suggests that we are in the midst of a major shift in how these organizations are supported—one that if not addressed will radically alter America’s cultural landscape."

"Since 1992, the arts portion of philanthropic giving has dropped from 8.4% to 5.2%—a value of $8 billion annually."

"Corporations are more strategic in their grantmaking and seek measurable results. Many are reducing their focus to a single funding category, such as health or education—rarely the arts."

"In 2005, private sector giving to the nonprofit arts was $13.51 billion—a 3.4% decrease from 2004. Private contributions to all charities in 2005 was $260.28 billion—a 6.1% increase from 2004."

"While 67% of the nation’s households make charitable contributions—just 8% contribute to the arts. The average gift is $215."

"Arts donor households are older, have higher incomes, completed college, no children living at home, are likely to donate to other charities and volunteer."

Check out for more info.


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