Tuesday, May 23, 2006

DuhVinci Code

OK, so I didn't read the book (I figured anything so popular couldn't be well written), but on my 'night off' I went to see the movie of the DVC. I like Tom Hanks and Amile and Gandolf and Dr. Octopus and the dude married to the Labyrinth chick. So little Richie Opie Ronnie Howard hasn't made a good movie since Splash, but we still love'em. All I gotta ask is: What the hell is all the hubbub about? People are protesting this? Of all the screwed up things the Catholic church has done over the ages, this is what gets joe blow off the couch? For Pete's sake, I'm doing a play about two kids who want to commit suicide. How about spreading some of that controversy my way? No press is bad press.



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